Trains from Budapest to Vienna

Every two hours from 6.00 a.m. from Central / Keleti / Eastern Railway Station  of Budapest  to Westbahnhof of Vienna. Last train from Budapest at 9.05.p.m.
The journey takes ca. 2,5 hours. 
From Vienna to Budapest:
At 6.00 a.m. from Station Meidling, then every other trains from  Westbahnhof of Vienna at 6.50 7.58, 9.58., 9.50. ,11. 50,a.m., and 1..50,3.50, 5.50,6.50, 7.50 p.m., to the Central /  Keleti  / Station of Budapest .
Trains from Budapest to Prague 
From Central / Keleti / Station / - 5 trains / every day  : at 5.28, 9.28 a.m., and 1.28, 3.28, 7.58.p.m. to the Central Station of Prague" Praha hl.n."
The journey takes 5 hours. 
From Prague to Budapest: departure from Praha hl.n: at 0.37,5.39,7.40,11.39 a.m. , then at  3.39 p.m. to the Central / Keleti / Station of Budapest.
Trains from Budapest to Bratislava
The same  trains as for Praga. Arrival at Bratislava
The journey takes 2.37 hours. 
From Bratislava to Budapest: departures at 5.53, 9.54,11.54a.m. and 3.54, 7.54 p.m.